Can I Upload Family Finder to Ancestry Dna

Somehow, I missed the declaration that Family Tree Dna now accepts uploads from MyHeritage.

Other people may have missed a few announcements too, or don't understand the options, and then I've created a quick and easy reference that shows which testing vendors' files tin can be uploaded to which other vendors.

Why Transfer?

Just so that everyone is on the same folio, if you examination your autosomal Deoxyribonucleic acid at one vendor, Vendor A, some other vendors allow you to download your raw information file from Vendor A and transfer your results to their company, Vendor B.  The transfer to Vendor B is either free or lower cost than testing from scratch.  One site, GedMatch, is non a testing vendor, simply is a contribution/subscription comparison site.

Vendor B and so processes your DNA file that y'all imported from Vendor A, and your results are so included in the database of Vendor B, which ways that you tin can obtain your matches to other people in Vendor B's information base who tested at that place originally and others who have also transferred.  You can also avail yourself of any other tools that Vendor B provides to their customers.  Tools vary widely between companies.  For example, Family Tree DNA, GedMatch and 23andMe provide chromosome browsers, while Ancestry does not.  All 3 major vendors (Family Tree Dna, Ancestry and 23andMe) have developed unique offerings (of varying quality) to help their customers sympathise the letters that their unique DNA carries.

Ok, Who Loves Whom?

The vendors in the left cavalcade are the vendors performing the autosomal Dna tests. The vendor row (plus GedMatch) across the pinnacle indicates who accepts upload transfers from whom, and which file versions. Please consider the notes below the chart.

(Chart updated September 28, 2017)

Please notation that on August 9, 2017, 23and Me began processing on the Illumina GSA fleck which is not compatible with earlier versions.  As of late September 2017, only GedMatch accepts their upload and simply in their Genesis sandbox surface area, non the normal production matching area.  This is due to the small overlap area with existing chips.  Yous can read more about the GSA fleck and its ramifications here

  • Family Tree DNA accepts uploads from both other major vendors (Ancestry and 23andMe) only the versions that are compatible with the chip used by FTDNA will have more than matches at Family Tree DNA. 23andMe V3, Ancestry V1 and MyHeritage results apply the aforementioned bit and format as FTDNA. 23andMe V4 and Ancestry V2 utilize different formats utilizing merely nigh half of the mutual locations. Family Tree DNA still allows free transfers and comparisons with other testers, just since there are just about half of the same Deoxyribonucleic acid locations in common with the FTDNA fleck, matches will be fewer. Boosted functions tin can be unlocked for a i time $nineteen fee.
  • Neither Ancestry, 23andMe nor Genographic accept transfer information from any other vendors.
  • MyHeritage does take transfers, although that option is non easy to find. I checked with a MyHeritage representative and they provided me with the following information:  "You tin can upload an autosomal DNA file from your contour page on MyHeritage. To access your profile page, login to your MyHeritage business relationship, then click on your name which is displayed towards the top right corner of the screen. Click on "My contour". On the profile page you'll meet a Dna tab, click on the tab and you'll see a link to upload a file."  MyHeritage has as well indicated that they volition be making ethnicity results available to individuals who transfer results into their arrangement in May, 2017.
  • LivingDNA has just released an ethnicity product and does not have DNA matching capability to other testers.  Living Dna imputes Dna locations that they don't test, simply the initial download only includes the Dna locations actually tested.
  • WeGene'due south website is in Chinese and they are non a significant player, simply I did include them because GedMatch accepts their files. WeGene'southward website indicates that they accept 23andme uploads, but I am unable to determine which version or versions. Given that their terms and conditions and privacy and security information are not in English, I would be extremely hesitant before engaging in business. I would not be comfy in trusting on online translation for this type of document. SNPedia reports that WeGene has data quality bug.
  • GedMatch is non a testing vendor, then has no entry in the left cavalcade, only does provide tools and accepts all versions of files from each vendor that provides files, to date, with the exception of the Genographic Project.  GedMatch is gratis (contribution based) for many features, but does have more advanced functions bachelor for a $10 monthly subscription. The GedMatch Genesis platform is a sandbox area for files from vendors that cannot be put into production today due to matching and compatibility issues.
  • The Genographic Project tested their participants at the Family unit Tree DNA lab until November 2016, when they moved to the Helix platform, which performs an exome exam using a unlike scrap.
  • The Beginnings V2 chip began processing in May 2016.
  • The 23andMe V3 chip began processing in Dec 2010. The 23andMe V4 chip began processing in November 2013. Their V5 chip August ix, 2017.

Incompatible Files

Please be aware that vendors that accept unlike versions of other vendors files tin merely work with the tested locations that are in the files generated by the testing vendors unless they use a technique called imputation.

For instance, Family Tree Dna tests nearly 700,000 locations which are on the same chip every bit MyHeritage, 23andMe V3 and Ancestry V1. In the later 23andMe V4 examination, the earlier 23andMe V2 and the Ancestry V2 tests, simply a portion of the same locations are tested.  The 23andMe V4 and Ancestry V2 chips only test most half of the file locations of the vendors who utilize the Illumina OmniExpress chip, just not the aforementioned locations as each other since both the Ancestry V2 and 23andMe V4 chips are custom. 23andMe and Ancestry both inverse their chips from the OmniExpress version and replaced genealogically relevant locations with medically relevant locations, creating a custom chip.

Update:  In August 2017, 23andMe introduced their V5 chip which has merely about 20% overlap with previous fries.

I know this is confusing, and then I've created the following chart for chip and test compatibility comparison.

(Chart updated Sept. 28, 2017)

You can hands encounter why the FTDNA, Ancestry V1, 23andMe V3 and MyHeritage tests are compatible with each other.  They all tested utilizing the same flake.  However, each vendor and then applies their own unique matching and ethnicity algorithms to customer results, so your results will vary with each vendor, fifty-fifty when comparing ethnicity predictions or matching the same 2 individuals to each other.

Apples to Apples to Imputation

Information technology'south difficult for vendors to compare apples to apples with non-uniform files.

I wrote about imputation in the commodity about MyHeritage, hither and likewise more generally, hither. In a nutshell, imputation is a technique used to infer the DNA for locations a vendor doesn't test (or doesn't receive in a transfer file from another vendor) based on the location's neighboring DNA and Deoxyribonucleic acid that is "normally" passed together as a packet.

However, the imputed regions of DNA are not your Deoxyribonucleic acid, and therefore don't acquit your mutations, if any.

I created the following diagram when writing the MyHeritage article to explicate the concept of imputation when comparison multiple vendors' files showing locations tested, overlap and imputed regions. You lot can click to enlarge the graphic.

Family unit Tree Deoxyribonucleic acid has called not to utilize imputation for transfer files and only compares the actual DNA locations tested and uploaded in vendor files, while MyHeritage has called to impute locations for incompatible files. Family unit Tree Deoxyribonucleic acid produces fewer, but accurate matches for incompatible transfer files.  MyHeritage continues to have matching issues.

MyHeritage may be using imputation for all transfer files to equalize the files to a maximum location count for all vendor files. This is speculation on my role, but is speculation based on the differences in matches from known compatible file versions to known matches at the original vendor and so at MyHeritage.

I compared matches to the same person at MyHeritage, GedMatch, Ancestry and Family Tree DNA. It appears that imputed matches exercise not consistently compare reliably. I'm non convinced imputation tin ever work reliably for genetic genealogy, considering we demand our own Deoxyribonucleic acid and mutations. Regardless, imputation is in its infancy today and due to the Illumina GSA fleck replacing the OmniExpress chip, imputation will exist widely used inside the manufacture shortly for backwards compatibility.

To date, two vendors are utilizing imputation. LivingDNA is using imputation with the GSA chip for ethnicity, and MyHeritage for Dna matching.


Your best results are going to be to test on the platform that the vendor offers, because the vendor's match and ethnicity algorithms are optimized for their own file formats and DNA locations tested.

That means that if you are transferring an Ancestry V1 file, a 23andMe V3 file or a MyHeritage file, for instance, to Family Tree Deoxyribonucleic acid, your matches at Family Tree Deoxyribonucleic acid volition exist the same as if you tested on the FTDNA platform.  You do not demand to retest at Family unit Tree Deoxyribonucleic acid.

Notwithstanding, if y'all are transferring an Ancestry V2 file or 23andMe V4 file, you will receive some matches, someplace between one quarter and half as compared to a examination run on the vendor's own chip. For people who can't exist tested again, that's certainly meliorate than nothing, and cross-chip matching generally picks upward the strongest matches considering they tend to match in multiple locations. For people who can retest, testing at Family Tree DNA would garner more matches and better ethnicity results for those with 23andMe V2 and V4 tests also as Ancestry V2 tests.

For admittedly all-time results, swim in all of the major DNA testing pools, test as many relatives every bit possible, and test on the vendor's Native chip to obtain the most matches.  After all, without sharing and matching, at that place is no genetic genealogy!



I receive a modest contribution when you click on some of the links to vendors in my manufactures. This does NOT increase the toll yous pay only helps me to keep the lights on and this advisory weblog complimentary for anybody. Please click on the links in the manufactures or to the vendors below if you lot are purchasing products or Dna testing.

Thank y'all so much.

DNA Purchases and Free Transfers

  • Family Tree Dna
  • MyHeritage DNA but
  • MyHeritage DNA plus Wellness
  • MyHeritage Gratuitous DNA file upload
  • AncestryDNA
  • 23andMe Ancestry
  • 23andMe Ancestry Plus Wellness
  • LivingDNA

Genealogy Services

  • MyHeritage FREE Tree Builder
  • MyHeritage Subscription with Costless Trial

Genealogy Enquiry

  • Legacy Tree Genealogists for genealogy research


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